Our products are available from our warehouse in Budapest
Download the list of our products in stock!TOP 3 products from stock
Our certificates
How fast can JUMO deliver?
JUMO's delivery time depends on the product and the order quantity. We can deliver products in our Budapest warehouse in 1-2 days, and products in our regional warehouse in 2-3 days. We can usually deliver our standard products from our central German warehouse within 2 weeks, while the delivery time may be longer in the case of individual or special orders. For the exact delivery time, please contact our colleagues!
How can I check with which configuration a device is available?
Do you want to configure the selected device? Please select the settings that suit you using the ordering help table in every data sheet for the device and let us know your choices.
How do customer-specific expectations affect delivery time?
Of course, we also respond to individual requests. However, this can increase the delivery time to 10-12 weeks. If you have any questions or special requests, please contact our two sales engineers: Richárd Berki or György Szondi.
Does JUMO provide certificates for their products?
Yes, JUMO provides certificates for its products. Various certifications are available, including calibration certificates, declarations of conformity and other specific certifications according to industry standards. It is important that you notify our colleagues of your need in advance. For availability of specific certificates and further details, please contact our colleagues!
Are there any quantity restrictions or minimum order quantities?
Some products have production changeover costs if they are ordered below a specified quantity. Contact our colleague for details!