51 young people take their first big step into their professional future

New Record: Vocational Education at JUMO in Demand as Never Before

A new phase in the lives of 51 young men and women: they began an apprenticeship, a one-year internship, or a cooperative study program at JUMO – more than ever before in the company's 75-year history.


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The skilled workers to be were warmly welcomed to the JUMO family by Chief Executive Officer Dr. Steffen Hoßfeld, Human Resources Manager Alexandra Dantmann, Deputy Chairman of the Works Council Harald Kaib, and trainers Tamara Stauch (commercial and IT) as well as Frank Blasinger (industrial-technical professions). "The record number shows how qualified and popular apprenticeships or cooperative study programs are at JUMO," says Alexandra Dantmann. "Word also gets around among young people about the very good working atmosphere at our company and is taken into account in the application process," adds Dantmann.

At the end of May the new colleagues already had the opportunity to get to know JUMO. That should give them the foundation to a perfect start. Of the 51 junior employees, 28 will start an apprenticeship in industrial-technical professions, 6 will start as industrial managers, 2 as IT specialists, 4 as dual system students, and 11 as Fachoberschule interns.

To strengthen the teambuilding and motivation of the new apprenticeship group, numerous joint activities will take place during the first week. This way, the big get-to-know-you day with a hike, action games, and a joint barbecue will be sure to generate a positive response. "These smaller events with different tasks strengthen team spirit," says instructor Frank Blasinger. "The new JUMO colleagues can get to know each other better in a relaxed atmosphere, which includes settings away from work," adds trainer Tamara Stauch.

The following new colleagues started at JUMO on August 1:

Silas Blankenbach, Maximilian Eckart, Levin Heider, Marius Schel, Nicolas Wahl (electronics technicians for devices and systems); Marcel Henschel, Edin Ribic, Jasmin Philine Seibert (industrial electricians for devices and systems); Fabio Kümmel, Fabian Seuring, Paul Weinbach (electronics technicians for operating technology); Leo Krstevski, Tim Licht, Valentin Schafsteck (electronics technicians for automation technology); Jonatan Braun, Dieter Heiser, Moritz Höhl, Florian Juling, Valentin Kircher, Noah Kircher, Lenny Kraft, Jonas Rehm, Bastian Wiegand (industrial mechanics); Lars Goldbach (tool mechanic); Alexander Flügel (metal technology specialist); Lisa Erdmann, Inka Peters (glass apparatus mechanics); Kai Strauchmann (technical product designer); Jakob Heil, Adrian Müller (Fachoberschule electrical engineering); Jonathan Menz (Fachoberschule mechanical engineering); Lorena Fendrik, Chantal Fischer, Ardi Murseli, Nico Nebenführ, Dennis Ruppel, Jannis Schröder (industrial managers); Nathan Feuerstein, Hannes Fuchert, Laurin Horr, Jannik Möller, Dilara Yenice, Tamer Zober (Fachoberschule commercial); David Braun, Moris Kirchner (IT specialists); Tom Dräger, Michael Quast (Fachoberschule IT); Helene Kimpel, Nico Kreß, Paul Landsiedel, Maxim Michel (dual systems study students).

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